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Zhu, Chunyou1; Liu, Shijun1; Cao, Zhiguo2; Hu, Beibei3; Yang, Chenyu1; Luo, Xiaojun4; Yuan, Haoran1; Li, Liangzhong1
Human dermal exposure to short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins: Effect of populations, activities, gender, and haze pollution
WOS Research AreaEngineering ; Environmental Sciences & Ecology
AbstractHuman dermal exposure to chlorinated paraffins (CPs) has not been well documented. Therefore, hand wipes were collected from four occupational populations to analyze short-chain CPs (SCCPs) and medium-chain CPs (MCCPs) in order to estimate dermal uptake and oral ingestion via hand-to-mouth contact. The total CP levels (& sum;SCCPs and & sum;MCCPs) in wipes ranged from 71.4 to 2310 mu g/m(2) in security guards, 37.6 to 333 mu g/m(2) in taxi drivers, 20.8 to 559 mu g/m(2) in office workers, and 20.9 to 932 mu g/m(2) in undergraduates, respectively. Security guards exhibited the highest levels of & sum;SCCPs among four populations (p < 0.01). In undergraduates engaged in outdoor activities, C-13 emerged as the most dominant SCCPs homologue group, followed by C-12, C-11, and C-10. The levels of & sum;SCCPs and & sum;MCCPs in males in light haze pollution were significantly higher than that in heavy haze pollution (p < 0.05). The median estimated dermal absorption dose of SCCPs and MCCPs via hand was 22.2 and 104 ng (kg of bw)(-1) day(-1), respectively, approximately 1.5 times the oral ingestion [12.3 and 74.4 ng (kg of bw)(-1) day(-1)], suggesting that hand contact is a significant exposure source to humans.
KeywordChlorinated paraffins (CPs) Occupational populations Dermal exposure Outdoor activities Haze pollution
WOS IDWOS:001274632900001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorHu, Beibei; Li, Liangzhong
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangdong Prov Key Lab High Qual Recycling End Of, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.Henan Normal Univ, Sch Environm, Key Lab Yellow River & Huai River Water Environm &, Minist Educ, Xinxiang 453007, Peoples R China
3.Southern Marine Sci & Engn Guangdong Lab Guangzhou, Guangzhou 511458, Peoples R China
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Environm Protect & Resource, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Zhu, Chunyou,Liu, Shijun,Cao, Zhiguo,et al. Human dermal exposure to short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins: Effect of populations, activities, gender, and haze pollution[J]. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2024,476:9.
APA Zhu, Chunyou.,Liu, Shijun.,Cao, Zhiguo.,Hu, Beibei.,Yang, Chenyu.,...&Li, Liangzhong.(2024).Human dermal exposure to short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins: Effect of populations, activities, gender, and haze pollution.JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,476,9.
MLA Zhu, Chunyou,et al."Human dermal exposure to short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins: Effect of populations, activities, gender, and haze pollution".JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 476(2024):9.
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