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Li, Feng-Ling1,2; Mathur, Ryan3; Li, Jie4; Li, Nuo1,2; Deng, Xiao-Hua5; Yao, Yi-Fei1,2,6; Zhao, Tai-Ping6; Yao, Jun-Ming1,2,6
Link Mo isotopes to the sources of the Paleoproterozoic Mo mineralization in the Qinling orogen
WOS Research AreaGeology ; Mineralogy ; Mining & Mineral Processing
AbstractLongmendian and the Zhaiwa are the two oldest Mo deposits in the Qinling orogenic belt, China, which is one of the most important Mo provinces in the world with numerous and diverse types of Mo deposits that experienced multistaged mineralization. Here we investigated Mo isotope compositions in molybdenite and rocks from the Longmendian and the Zhaiwa Paleoproterozoic Mo deposits to link Mo isotopes to the sources of Mo metal. The significant Mo isotope variation in the Longmendian and the Zhaiwa Mo deposits (& delta;98Mo =-0.51%o to + 1.01%o and-0.37%o to +0.53%o, respectively, relative to NIST-3134) may be controlled by Rayleigh and equilibrium fractionation. The different distributions of Mo isotope compositions of molybdenite in the two deposits may be caused by the physiochemical differences in ore-forming systems. The high Mo content of the Taihua Supergroup and the Xiong'er Group, combined mean values of Mo isotopes between molybdenite and whole rocks suggested that the two stratigraphic units would be the main contributor of Mo for the Paleoproterozoic Mo mineralization that mixed with small proportions of isotopically lower values of the mantle.
KeywordMolybdenum isotopes The sources of molybdenum Paleoproterozoic molybdenum mineralization The Qinling orogen
WOS IDWOS:001069407200001
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Cited Times:1[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorYao, Jun-Ming
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Xinjiang Inst Ecol & Geog, Xinjiang Res Ctr Mineral Resources, Urumqi 830011, Peoples R China
2.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
3.Juniata Coll, Dept Geol, Huntingdon, PA 16652 USA
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
5.Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China
6.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Key Lab Mineral & Metallogeny, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Li, Feng-Ling,Mathur, Ryan,Li, Jie,et al. Link Mo isotopes to the sources of the Paleoproterozoic Mo mineralization in the Qinling orogen[J]. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,2023,160:11.
APA Li, Feng-Ling.,Mathur, Ryan.,Li, Jie.,Li, Nuo.,Deng, Xiao-Hua.,...&Yao, Jun-Ming.(2023).Link Mo isotopes to the sources of the Paleoproterozoic Mo mineralization in the Qinling orogen.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,160,11.
MLA Li, Feng-Ling,et al."Link Mo isotopes to the sources of the Paleoproterozoic Mo mineralization in the Qinling orogen".ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 160(2023):11.
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