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Wang, Sheng-Peng1,2,3; Li, Jie1; Ren, Zhong-Yuan1; Narantsetseg, Tserendash4; Zhang, Qing-Lin1,2,3; Zhong, Qiao-Hui1,2,3; Zhang, Le1; Yuan, Chao1
Influence of subducted carbonate on the composition of basalts in the Paleo-Asian Ocean domain
WOS Research AreaGeology
AbstractThe fate of subducted carbonate of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and its control on the compositional variability of Cenozoic basalts to the west of the Daxing'anling-Taihang Gravity Lineament remain uncertain. Here we report major- and trace-element contents and Zn-Sr-Nd isotopic data for Cenozoic basalts from eastern Mongolia. The studied basalt samples from eastern Mongolia are classified as nephelinite, basanite, alkaline basalt, and tholeiite. They have different Zn-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (866Zn = 0.38%. & PLUSMN; 0.02%. to 0.50%. & PLUSMN; 0.04%., 87Sr/86Sr = 0.704239-0.705175, eNd = 4.72-5.67) but display trace-element signatures of sedimentary marine carbonate, reflecting mantle heterogeneity and marine carbonate imprint. Compared with the high-Si tholeiites, which were erupted over thinner lithosphere, the nephelinites-b asanites-alkaline basalts erupted over thicker lithosphere have higher 866Zn values, La/Yb, Sm/Yb, and Nb/Y ratios, and Nb contents, indicating that these low-Si basalts were the product of lower-degree melting of carbonated mantle under higher pressure. By combining our data with available data for Cenozoic basalts from central Inner Mongolia, we suggest that the compositions of the nephelinite-basanite- alkaline-basalt-tholeiite suite show systematic spatial variation with respect to the northward subduction zone of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The tholeiites, which have lower 866Zn values, SiO2 contents, and Sm/Yb ratios, are dominant near the subduction zone, whereas the basanites and alkaline basalts, which have higher 866Zn values, Sm/Yb ratios, and SiO2 contents, are dominant in the region far from the subduction zone. On the basis of a mixing model for Sr-Nd-Zn isotopic compositions, we suggest that the mantle source of the basanites and alkaline basalts incorporated a higher proportion of marine carbonate, whereas the tholeiite mantle source incorporated a higher proportion of siliceous sediments. We deduce that with increasing depth of slab subduction, more sedimentary carbonates and lesser siliceous sediments were released from the subducted slab.& COPY; 2023 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
KeywordBasalts Zn isotopes Carbonate cycling Subducted Paleo-Asian Ocean
WOS IDWOS:001053163400001
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorRen, Zhong-Yuan
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Coll Earth & Planetary Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
4.Mongolian Acad Sci, Inst Geol, Dept Magmatism & Metallogeny, Ulaanbaatar 15160, Mongolia
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GB/T 7714
Wang, Sheng-Peng,Li, Jie,Ren, Zhong-Yuan,et al. Influence of subducted carbonate on the composition of basalts in the Paleo-Asian Ocean domain[J]. GONDWANA RESEARCH,2023,124:290-304.
APA Wang, Sheng-Peng.,Li, Jie.,Ren, Zhong-Yuan.,Narantsetseg, Tserendash.,Zhang, Qing-Lin.,...&Yuan, Chao.(2023).Influence of subducted carbonate on the composition of basalts in the Paleo-Asian Ocean domain.GONDWANA RESEARCH,124,290-304.
MLA Wang, Sheng-Peng,et al."Influence of subducted carbonate on the composition of basalts in the Paleo-Asian Ocean domain".GONDWANA RESEARCH 124(2023):290-304.
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