GIG OpenIR  > 中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室
Su, Zhi-Kun1,2; Zhao, Xin-Fu3,4; Wang, Christina Yan1,2
Trace elements and sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides in the giant Dahongshan Fe-Cu-(Au-Co) deposit, SW China: Implications for fluid evolution and Co enrichment in IOCG systems
WOS Research AreaGeology ; Mineralogy ; Mining & Mineral Processing
AbstractIron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits are characterized by Cu-Au polymetallic mineralization and may contain large amounts of critical metals (e.g. Co, REE, and U) as by-products. Sources of ore-forming fluids and metals of the IOCG deposits remain controversial, either a magmatic or basinal source has been advocated. The-1660 Ma Dahongshan Fe-Cu-(Au-Co) deposit in the Kangdian region in southwestern China has spatially separated Fe and Fe-Cu orebodies, in which Co-rich pyrite has been identified in different types of ores and host rocks. Here, we integrate in-situ sulfur isotopic compositions and trace element geochemistry of sulfides to characterize the nature of ore fluids and the Co enrichment processes. Paragenetic sequences of sulfides in the Dahongshan deposit include: Pyrite (Py I) associated with magnetite mineralization in Fe ores, which has rims (Py II-1) intergrown with hematite-chalcopyrite assemblage; Pyrite and chalcopyrite (Sulfide II) in the Fe-Cu ores with protolith of arenaceous dolostone (Sulfide II-2) and interbedded argillaceous siltstone and dolostone (Sulfide II-3); and Sulfide III in post-ore reworking veins formed during regional metamorphism. Py I shows a magmatic sulfur isotopic signature (-2.2 to 1.2%o) and relatively high AuCu-Zn contents, indicating a predominance of magmatic-hydrothermal component during magnetite formation. By contrast, the combined sulfur isotopes and trace element compositions of Sulfides II in Fe-Cu ores indicate the mixing of two distinct fluid endmembers: Sulfides precipitated from one endmember show magmatic affinity with low & delta;34S values (as low as-2.1%o), high Se/S ratios (-11.8 x 10-4), high Co contents (-10600 ppm) and Co/Ni ratios (-110), likely from a magmatic-hydrothermal source of mafic magmas affinity; whereas sulfides from the other endmember have overall higher & delta;34S values (up to 15.8%o), relatively lower Se/S ratios (-0.09 x 10-4), lower Co contents (-900 ppm) and Co/Ni ratios (-13). Together with the published B-O isotopic data, the high-& delta;34S fluid is attributed to externally-derived basinal brine at Dahongshan. The clear negative correlations between & delta;34S values and Se/S ratios, Co contents, as well as Co/Ni ratios of Py II highlight that the incursion of exchanged basinal brines may be vital for triggering economic sulfide mineralization in Dahongshan. Furthermore, when assuming a similar predominance of magmatic fluids, Py I associated with magnetite ores is less enriched in Co (with lower Co/Ni ratios) than Py II from Fe-Cu ores, which can be tentatively ascribed to the decreasing Co solubility limits and formation of cattierite (CoS2) solid solution in pyrite as the fluid evolved. Finally, sulfide III in reworking veins show comparable & delta;34S values and Se/S ratios, but higher Co contents (up to 3.1%) than sulfide II, implying that Co can be further enriched during later remobilization events. This study exemplifies the utility of sulfide as a robust monitor of ore-forming process in IOCG system.
KeywordIOCG Kangdian region Sulfur isotope Sulfide trace element Co-rich pyrite
WOS IDWOS:001055131700001
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:4[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorZhao, Xin-Fu
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, CAS Key Lab Mineral & Metallogeny, Guangzhou 510460, Guangdong, Peoples R China
2.Guangdong Prov Key Lab Mineral Phys & Mat, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.China Univ Geosci, State Key Lab Geol Proc & Mineral Resources, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Peoples R China
4.China Univ Geosci, Sch Earth Resources, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Su, Zhi-Kun,Zhao, Xin-Fu,Wang, Christina Yan. Trace elements and sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides in the giant Dahongshan Fe-Cu-(Au-Co) deposit, SW China: Implications for fluid evolution and Co enrichment in IOCG systems[J]. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,2023,157:14.
APA Su, Zhi-Kun,Zhao, Xin-Fu,&Wang, Christina Yan.(2023).Trace elements and sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides in the giant Dahongshan Fe-Cu-(Au-Co) deposit, SW China: Implications for fluid evolution and Co enrichment in IOCG systems.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,157,14.
MLA Su, Zhi-Kun,et al."Trace elements and sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides in the giant Dahongshan Fe-Cu-(Au-Co) deposit, SW China: Implications for fluid evolution and Co enrichment in IOCG systems".ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 157(2023):14.
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