GIG OpenIR  > 中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室
Liu, Jianping1,2; Yang, Jingnan1,2; Cao, Yonghua1,2; Ding, Tao1,2; Brzozowski, Matthew J.3; Zhang, Hongpei1,2; Zheng, Xu1,2; Zhao, Taiping4
Indium mineralization and genesis of the Bainiuchang Ag-Sn-polymetallic deposit in southeast Yunnan, China: Evidence from mineral chemistry and U-Pb geochronology
WOS Research AreaGeology ; Mineralogy ; Mining & Mineral Processing
AbstractThe Bainiuchang Ag-Sn-polymetallic deposit is located in the world-calss Southeast Yunnan Indium Metallogenic Belt (SYIMB). The deposit contains approximately 1000 tons of In, but the mechanisms of mineralization and hosts of In in this deposit remain unclear. To clarify these ambiguities, we carried out fieldwork, major- and trace-element analyses of In-bearing minerals, and cassiterite and zircon U-Pb geochronology. Five ore zones were identified, which, from contact of the granitic intrusion upwards, are the In-poor magnetite-cassiterite ore zone, the In-poor Cu ore zone, the In-rich Zn-Sn ore zone, the In-rich Sn-Pb-Zn ore zone, and the In-poor Pb-Zn ore zone. Cassiterite and zircon U-Pb geochronology demonstrate that mineralization at Bainiuchang occurred at ca. 85.80 +/- 0.45 Ma (MSWD = 1.5), which is similar to the 85.34 +/- 0.42 Ma (MSWD = 1.7) age of the granitic intrusion. This temporal relationship suggests that there is a genetic link between In mineralization and granitic magmatism in this deposit. Ore petrography and mineral chemical analyses indicate that sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and stannite are main In-bearing minerals. From a mass balance perspective, sphalerite is the most important Inbearing mineral, accounting for similar to 85% of the In budget at Bainiuchang. Indium is incorporated into sphalerite via the coupled substitution 2Zn(2)+ <-> Cu+ + In3+ and/or 3Zn(2+) <-> Ag+ + Sn2+(+In3+). Two generations of sphalerite occur in the deposit, SpI and SpII, which formed during the cassiterite-sulfide and carbonate-sulfide stages, respectively. Based on textural relationships, SpI is further subdivided into SpIa, SpIb, and SpIc. These temporally and texturally distinct sphalerite have variable In contents, with SpIa having the highest In content (0.08-0.44 wt %), followed by SpIb (0.02-0.39 wt%), SpIc (187-236 ppm), and SpII (0.64-7.14 ppm). It is suggested here that the variations in In contents of the sphalerite reflect the evolution of the magmatic-hydrothermal fluids from which the sphalerite precipitated under different fS(2) and temperature. By comparing the Bainiuchang deposit to other In-bearing deposits in the southwestern Yangtze Block, it is evident that that the nature and source of the associated granites, and the degree of fractionation of the granitic magmas are likely important controls on In mineralization in the SYIMB and other regions.
KeywordCassiterite U -Pb dating Zircon U -Pb dating In mineralization Ore genesis Bainiuchang Ag -Sn -polymetallic deposit Southeast Yunnan
WOS IDWOS:001026428800001
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Cited Times:5[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorCao, Yonghua
Affiliation1.Cent South Univ, Key Lab Metallogen Predict Nonferrous Met & Geol E, Minist Educ, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China
2.Cent South Univ, Sch Geosci & Info Phys, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China
3.British Columbia Geol Survey, Victoria, BC V8T 4J1, Canada
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Key Lab Mineral & Metallogeny, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Liu, Jianping,Yang, Jingnan,Cao, Yonghua,et al. Indium mineralization and genesis of the Bainiuchang Ag-Sn-polymetallic deposit in southeast Yunnan, China: Evidence from mineral chemistry and U-Pb geochronology[J]. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,2023,158:20.
APA Liu, Jianping.,Yang, Jingnan.,Cao, Yonghua.,Ding, Tao.,Brzozowski, Matthew J..,...&Zhao, Taiping.(2023).Indium mineralization and genesis of the Bainiuchang Ag-Sn-polymetallic deposit in southeast Yunnan, China: Evidence from mineral chemistry and U-Pb geochronology.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,158,20.
MLA Liu, Jianping,et al."Indium mineralization and genesis of the Bainiuchang Ag-Sn-polymetallic deposit in southeast Yunnan, China: Evidence from mineral chemistry and U-Pb geochronology".ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 158(2023):20.
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