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Wu, Zhenxiao1; Chen, Yu1; Wang, Yang1; Xu, Yuan2; Lin, Zhuoling2; Liang, Xiaoliang2; Cheng, Hongfei1
Review of rare earth element (REE) adsorption on and desorption from clay minerals: Application to formation and mining of ion-adsorption REE deposits
WOS Research AreaGeology ; Mineralogy ; Mining & Mineral Processing
AbstractIon-adsorption rare earth elements (iREE) deposits are the globally predominant source of heavy rare earth el-ements (HREE), which are mainly discovered and mined in southern China. This paper reviews the genesis and mining mechanisms of iREE deposits. These deposits are mainly formed in the weathering crust of rare earth elements (REE)-rich granites, volcanic rocks and metamorphic rocks. During the weathering and eluviation, REE are released by the dissolution of REE-bearing minerals, depending on the weathering resistance of such min-erals. Then, aqueous REE cations migrate downwards and are adsorbed by clay minerals. The adsorption and fractionation of REE are affected by variations in oxygen, pH and ionic species and strength. REE are mainly adsorbed on clay minerals through ion exchange and surface complexation. The former reaction cannot cause evident REE fractionation, whereas the latter induces an enrichment of HREE over LREE. The enrichment and fractionation characteristics of REE are also constrained by their occurrence states. REE with different occurrence states can be distinguished via sequential extraction, and the micro-occurrence states of REE can be probed using high-sensitivity, high-resolution characterisation. Furthermore, the leaching mechanism of iREE deposits is summarized, where REE are exchanged by foreign cations. Ammonium sulphate is the main leaching agent, but its excessive use can cause serious environmental pollution. Thus, leaching agents with little or no ammonium, such as MgSO4 and CaCl2, have been recommended. The controlling factors of REE leaching are the concen-tration of leaching agents, pH, temperature and solid/liquid ratio. The above summary deepens the under-standing of the formation mechanism of iREE deposits and provides beneficial information for the efficient but green mining of iREE deposits.
KeywordIon -adsorption REE deposit Mineral evolution Clay minerals REE characterisation Adsorption Leaching
WOS IDWOS:000988957400001
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Cited Times:26[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLiang, Xiaoliang; Cheng, Hongfei
Affiliation1.Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, CAS Key Lab Mineral & Metallogeny, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Mineral Phys & Mat, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Wu, Zhenxiao,Chen, Yu,Wang, Yang,et al. Review of rare earth element (REE) adsorption on and desorption from clay minerals: Application to formation and mining of ion-adsorption REE deposits[J]. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,2023,157:12.
APA Wu, Zhenxiao.,Chen, Yu.,Wang, Yang.,Xu, Yuan.,Lin, Zhuoling.,...&Cheng, Hongfei.(2023).Review of rare earth element (REE) adsorption on and desorption from clay minerals: Application to formation and mining of ion-adsorption REE deposits.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,157,12.
MLA Wu, Zhenxiao,et al."Review of rare earth element (REE) adsorption on and desorption from clay minerals: Application to formation and mining of ion-adsorption REE deposits".ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 157(2023):12.
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