当前检索式 ((ALL:U-Pb))
限定条件 ((专题:中科院广州地化所(-2008)) AND (文献类型:期刊论文))
岩石学报 80 Lithos 21 Precambrian Research 21
Chinese Science Bull 20 Journal of Asian Ear 16 Earth and Planetary 15
Chemical Geology 14 Science in China Ser 12 Geochimica et Cosmoc 11
Geochemical Journal 9 Gondwana Research 9 Acta Geologica Sinic 8
International Geolog 8 Atmospheric Environm 7 Environmental Scienc 7
Geology 7 Environmental Pollut 6 Tectonophysics 6
Island Arc 5 Journal of Geology 5