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Zhan, Zhao-Wen1,2; Wang, Guo-Xiang1,3; Tian, Yankuan1,2; Zhan, Xin4; Liang, Tian1,2; Wang, Yao-Ping5; Zou, Yan-Rong1,2; Peng, Ping 'an1,2
Determination and petroleum geochemical significance of short-chain alkylbenzenes in lacustrine source rocks
WOS Research AreaGeochemistry & Geophysics
AbstractThe determination of short-chain alkylbenzenes (C0-4) in source rocks has always been a challenge due to potential losses during pretreatment processes such as solvent extraction of the soluble organic matter. This work proposes a method for analyzing short-chain alkylbenzenes in solid powder samples from source rocks by combining headspace (HS)-solid phase microextraction (SPME)-Arrow and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The recommended optimal conditions of HS-SPME-Arrow are: use of a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) phase with a 250 mu m thickness coated fibre, an extraction temperature of 90 degree celsius, exposure time of 13 min, and desorption time of 8 min. The biomarkers and short-chain alkylbenzenes of 37 lacustrine source rocks with varying degrees of thermal maturation from different sedimentary basins in China were analyzed using this method. Three parameters based on short-chain alkylbenzenes isomers were then proposed, including the dimethyl-4-ethylbenzene ratio (DM4EBR), the 1,2-dimethylethylbenzene ratio (1,2-DMEBR), and the trime-thylbenzene ratio (TMBR), which showed significant linear correlation with vitrinite reflectance of the source rocks. These can be used to evaluate the maturity or hydrocarbon generation stage of such source rocks, ranging from immature-low mature to postmature stages. An additional three parameters, including the dimethylethylbenzene ratios (DMEBR-1 and DMEBR-2) and the 1-methylisopropylbenzene ratio (1-MiPBR), were also proposed; these related to the organic matter inputs and depositional environments of the source rocks and can be used to identify the organic matter input and depositional environment conditions of source rock samples prior to the late stage of oil generation (Ro < 1.2 %). The usefulness of short-chain alkylbenzene parameters in indicating organic matter inputs, depositional environment conditions, and thermal maturity levels makes them valuable tools for geochemical studies of highly matured light oils and condensates.
KeywordShort-chain alkylbenzenes HS-SPME-Arrow-GC-MS Source rock Maturity Organic matter input Depositional environment
WOS IDWOS:001105599700001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorZhan, Zhao-Wen
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
4.CNOOC Int Ltd, Beijing, Peoples R China
5.Guangdong Ocean Univ, Coll Chem & Environm Sci, Zhanjiang 524088, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Zhan, Zhao-Wen,Wang, Guo-Xiang,Tian, Yankuan,et al. Determination and petroleum geochemical significance of short-chain alkylbenzenes in lacustrine source rocks[J]. ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY,2023,185:14.
APA Zhan, Zhao-Wen.,Wang, Guo-Xiang.,Tian, Yankuan.,Zhan, Xin.,Liang, Tian.,...&Peng, Ping 'an.(2023).Determination and petroleum geochemical significance of short-chain alkylbenzenes in lacustrine source rocks.ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY,185,14.
MLA Zhan, Zhao-Wen,et al."Determination and petroleum geochemical significance of short-chain alkylbenzenes in lacustrine source rocks".ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY 185(2023):14.
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