GIG OpenIR  > 中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室
Xu, Jing1; Ciobanu, Cristiana Liana2; Cook, Nigel John2; Gao, Shen3; Zhao, Taiping4; Jiang, Jichen1
Constraints on Ore Genesis from Trace Ore Mineralogy: A New Occurrence of Kupcikite and Paděraite from the Zhibula Cu Skarn Deposit, Southern Tibet
Source PublicationMINERALS
WOS Research AreaGeochemistry & Geophysics ; Mineralogy ; Mining & Mineral Processing
AbstractMineral assemblages containing Cu-Bi sulfosalts, Bi chalcogenides, and Ag-(Au) tellurides have been identified in the mid-Miocene Zhibula Cu skarn deposit, Gangdese Belt, southern Tibet. Different mineral assemblages from three locations in the deposit, including proximal massive garnet skarn, proximal retrogressed pyroxene-dominant skarn in contact with marble, and distal banded garnet-pyroxene skarn hosted in marble, are studied to constrain the evolution of the mineralization. Hypogene bornite contains elevated Bi (mean 6.73 wt.%) and co-exists in proximal andradite skarn with a second bornite with far lower Bi content, carrollite, Au-Ag tellurides (hessite, petzite), and wittichenite. This assemblage indicates formation at relatively high temperatures (>400 degrees C) and high f(S2) and f(Te2) during prograde-stage mineralization. Assemblages of Bi sulfosalts (wittichenite, aikinite, kupc & iacute;kite, and paderaite) and bismuth chalcogenides (e.g., tetradymite) in proximal pyroxene skarn are also indicative of formation at relatively high temperatures, but at relatively lower f(Te2) and f(S2) conditions. Within the reduced distal skarn (chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite-bearing) in marble, cobalt, and nickel occur as discrete minerals: cobaltite, melonite and cobaltic pentlandite. The trace ore mineral signature of the Zhibula skarn and the distributions of precious and critical trace elements such as Ag, Au, Co, Te, Se, and Bi support an evolving magmatic-hydrothermal system in which different parts of the deposit each define ore formation at distinct local physicochemical conditions. This is the first report of kupc & iacute;kite and paderaite from a Chinese location. Their compositions are comparable to other occurrences, but conspicuously, they do not form nanoscale intergrowths with one another.
Keywordore mineralogy Au-Ag tellurides Bi chalcogenides Cu-Bi sulfosalts Zhibula Cu skarn Tibet
WOS IDWOS:001231401200001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorXu, Jing
Affiliation1.Fuzhou Univ, Zijin Sch Geol & Min, Fuzhou 350108, Peoples R China
2.Univ Adelaide, Sch Chem Engn, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
3.China Univ Geosci Beijing, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Key Lab Mineral & Metallogeny, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xu, Jing,Ciobanu, Cristiana Liana,Cook, Nigel John,et al. Constraints on Ore Genesis from Trace Ore Mineralogy: A New Occurrence of Kupcikite and Paděraite from the Zhibula Cu Skarn Deposit, Southern Tibet[J]. MINERALS,2024,14(5):23.
APA Xu, Jing,Ciobanu, Cristiana Liana,Cook, Nigel John,Gao, Shen,Zhao, Taiping,&Jiang, Jichen.(2024).Constraints on Ore Genesis from Trace Ore Mineralogy: A New Occurrence of Kupcikite and Paděraite from the Zhibula Cu Skarn Deposit, Southern Tibet.MINERALS,14(5),23.
MLA Xu, Jing,et al."Constraints on Ore Genesis from Trace Ore Mineralogy: A New Occurrence of Kupcikite and Paděraite from the Zhibula Cu Skarn Deposit, Southern Tibet".MINERALS 14.5(2024):23.
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