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Chen, Wen-Huang1,2,3; Yan, Yi1,2,3; Carter, Andrew4; Clift, Peter D.5,6; Huang, Chi-Yue7; Yumul Jr, Graciano P.8; Dimalanta, Carla B.9; Gabo-Ratio, Jillian Aira S.9; Zhang, Le1; Wang, Ming-Huei10; Zhang, Xin-Chang1
Evolution of Arc-Continent Collision in the Southeastern Margin of the South China Sea: Insight From the Isugod Basin in Central-Southern Palawan
Source PublicationTECTONICS
WOS Research AreaGeochemistry & Geophysics
AbstractThe evolution of arc-continent collision between the Palawan microcontinental block and the Cagayan Ridge in the southeastern margin of the South China Sea (SCS) is vital to understand how this collision correlated with seafloor spreading of the SCS. To address the evolution of arc-continent collision, we studied the biostratigraphy and provenance of syn-collisional sediments in the Isugod Basin in central-southern Palawan. Microfossil analysis indicates a Late Miocene age (11.5-5.6 Ma) for the Isugod and Alfonso XIII Formations and rapid subsidence during initiation of the basin which may have been triggered by local extensional collapse of the wedge in response to forearc uplift. Multidisciplinary provenance analysis reveals that the Isugod and Alfonso XIII Formations were derived from the Middle Eocene-lower Oligocene Panas-Pandian Formation on the Palawan wedge and the Late Eocene Central Palawan Ophiolite. These results suggest the emergence of both the orogenic wedge and obducted forearc ophiolite at similar to 11.5 Ma, implying collision onset before similar to 11.5 Ma. The collision initiation in Palawan could be better constrained to similar to 18 Ma, based on the drowning of the Nido carbonate platform in the foreland. Therefore, the gravitational collapse of the Palawan wedge and the subsidence/formation of the Isugod Basin might reflect a significant uplift pulse in the hinterland of the wedge beginning within 13.4-11.5 Ma in the late stage of collision. It indicates that although compression originated from spreading of the SCS had ceased at 16-15 Ma, arc-continent collision in Palawan did not stop and was sustained by compression from the upper plate afterward. The Palawan microcontinental block is a continental fragment separated from the South China margin along with the seafloor spreading of the South China Sea (SCS). It finally collided with the Cagayan Ridge volcanic arc because of southward subduction of the Proto-SCS. Therefore, precisely constraining the evolution of arc-continent collision could help us to understand its association with the ending of the SCS spreading. To constrain the evolution of arc-continent collision, we determined the depositional age and source of syn-collisional sediments in the Isugod Basin in central-southern Palawan. Our results shows that the Isugod Basin sediments were deposited during the Late Miocene (11.5-5.6 Ma) following local gravitational collapse of the Palawan orogenic wedge driven by uplift and oversteepening. Isugod Basin sediments were eroded from both the orogenic wedge and obducted forearc ophiolite that were uplifted and exposed subaerially, indicating collision began before similar to 11.5 Ma. As the onset of collision could be constrained to similar to 18 Ma, we propose a significant uplift pulse in the hinterland of the wedge began at 13.4-11.5 Ma in the late stage of collision. This further indicates that arc-continent collision in Palawan did not stop although compression derived from spreading of the SCS had ceased at 16-15 Ma. Sediments in the Isugod Basin were deposited at 11.5-5.6 Ma following local gravitational collapse of the Palawan wedge driven by uplift The Isugod Basin sediments were supplied by erosion of the Palawan wedge and obducted forearc ophiolite exposed subaerially since similar to 11.5 Ma Onset of Palawan arc-continent collision at similar to 18 Ma followed by a significant uplift pulse in the Palawan wedge beginning within 13.4-11.5 Ma
Keywordarc-continent collision Palawan microcontinental block ophiolite obduction biostratigraphy provenance syn-collisional sediments
WOS IDWOS:001236035000001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorYan, Yi
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
2.CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Key Lab Ocean & Marginal Sea Geol, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
4.Birkbeck Univ London, Dept Earth & Planetary Sci, London, England
5.Univ London Univ Coll, Dept Earth Sci, London, England
6.Louisiana State Univ, Dept Geol & Geophys, Baton Rouge, LA USA
7.Tongji Univ, Sch Ocean & Earth Sci, Shanghai, Peoples R China
8.Cordillera Explorat Co Inc, Taguig City, Philippines
9.Univ Philippines Diliman, Natl Inst Geol Sci, Tecton & Geodynam Acad Grp, Rushurgent Working Grp,Coll Sci, Quezon City, Philippines
10.CPC Corp, Explorat & Dev Res Inst, Miaoli, Taiwan
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GB/T 7714
Chen, Wen-Huang,Yan, Yi,Carter, Andrew,et al. Evolution of Arc-Continent Collision in the Southeastern Margin of the South China Sea: Insight From the Isugod Basin in Central-Southern Palawan[J]. TECTONICS,2024,43(6):31.
APA Chen, Wen-Huang.,Yan, Yi.,Carter, Andrew.,Clift, Peter D..,Huang, Chi-Yue.,...&Zhang, Xin-Chang.(2024).Evolution of Arc-Continent Collision in the Southeastern Margin of the South China Sea: Insight From the Isugod Basin in Central-Southern Palawan.TECTONICS,43(6),31.
MLA Chen, Wen-Huang,et al."Evolution of Arc-Continent Collision in the Southeastern Margin of the South China Sea: Insight From the Isugod Basin in Central-Southern Palawan".TECTONICS 43.6(2024):31.
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