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Yang, Qing1; Cui, Zexian1; Xia, Xiao-Ping2; Lai, Chun-Kit3; Zhang, Wan-Feng1; Zhang, Yan-Qiang1
In Situ Analysis of Low-Li-Be Samples by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
WOS Research AreaSpectroscopy
AbstractLithium and beryllium are strategic key metals, which are indispensable in emerging information technology and green energy industries. They are also powerful tracers in a wide range of geological processes, notably those related to deep-earth elemental cycling and ore deposition. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis has the advantages of in situ, high spatial resolution and almost non-destruction. Here, we present a modified SIMS procedure to simultaneouslymeasure the Li-Be contents in eight well characterized Li-Be-poor glass samples (Li = 3-43 ppm, Be = 0.034-46 ppm) and one new synthetic glass with purity (considered as Li and Be free) to evaluate the analytical precision, accuracy and limit of detection (LOD). For lithium, the internal precision is better than 0.42% (1SE), and the spot-to-spot reproducibilityis mostly better than 2.71% (RSD). For beryllium, the internal precision is better than 0.93% (1SE), and the spot-to-spot reproducibility is better than 4.68% (RSD). For the Li and Be contents, the difference between the calibrated SIMS elemental contents and the recommended value is generally below 5.1% and 7.9%, respectively. The LOD is similar to 0.04 ppb for Li and similar to 0.01 ppb for Be. All these demonstrate the improved performance of this analytical technique and its reliability for measurement of low-Li-Be samples. The findings contribute to our understanding of the Li-Be distribution and behavior in geological materials, and provide implications to mineral exploration and environmental studies.
WOS IDWOS:001250242100001
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorXia, Xiao-Ping
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.Yangtze Univ, Coll Resources & Environm, Hubei Key Lab Petr Geochem & Environm, Wuhan 430100, Peoples R China
3.Fortescue Met Grp Ltd, Global Project Generat & Targeting, East Perth, WA 6004, Australia
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GB/T 7714
Yang, Qing,Cui, Zexian,Xia, Xiao-Ping,et al. In Situ Analysis of Low-Li-Be Samples by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry[J]. ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY,2024,45(2):94.
APA Yang, Qing,Cui, Zexian,Xia, Xiao-Ping,Lai, Chun-Kit,Zhang, Wan-Feng,&Zhang, Yan-Qiang.(2024).In Situ Analysis of Low-Li-Be Samples by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry.ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY,45(2),94.
MLA Yang, Qing,et al."In Situ Analysis of Low-Li-Be Samples by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry".ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY 45.2(2024):94.
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