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Zhang, Li1; Guo, Bo1; Qin, Chaozhong3,4; Xiong, Yongqiang2
A hybrid pore-network-continuum modeling framework for flow and transport in 3D digital images of porous media
WOS Research AreaWater Resources
AbstractUnderstanding flow and transport in multiscale porous media is challenging due to the presence of a wide range of pore sizes. Recent imaging advances offer high-resolution characterization of the multiscale pore structures. However, simulating flow and transport in 3D digital images requires models to represent both the resolved and sub-resolution pore structures. We develop a hybrid pore-network-continuum modeling framework. The hybrid framework treats the smaller pores below the image resolution as a continuum using the Darcy-scale formalism and explicitly represents the larger pores resolved in the images employing a pore network model. We validate the hybrid model against direct numerical simulations for single-phase flow and solute transport and further demonstrate its applicability for simulating two-component gas transport in a shale rock sample. The results indicate that the new hybrid model represents the flow and transport process in multiscale porous media while being much more computationally efficient than direct numerical simulation methods for the range of simulated conditions.
KeywordPore network model Multiscale pore structure 3D digital images Hybrid modeling Continuum
WOS IDWOS:001260465900001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorGuo, Bo
Affiliation1.Univ Arizona, Dept Hydrol & Atmospher Sci, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
3.Chongqing Univ, State Key Lab Coal Mine Disaster Dynam & Control, Chongqing, Peoples R China
4.Chongqing Univ, Sch Resources & Safety Engn, Chongqing, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Zhang, Li,Guo, Bo,Qin, Chaozhong,et al. A hybrid pore-network-continuum modeling framework for flow and transport in 3D digital images of porous media[J]. ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES,2024,190:14.
APA Zhang, Li,Guo, Bo,Qin, Chaozhong,&Xiong, Yongqiang.(2024).A hybrid pore-network-continuum modeling framework for flow and transport in 3D digital images of porous media.ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES,190,14.
MLA Zhang, Li,et al."A hybrid pore-network-continuum modeling framework for flow and transport in 3D digital images of porous media".ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES 190(2024):14.
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