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Meng, Guangming1,2; Gai, Haifeng2,3; Yang, Xiumin2; Gao, Ping1; Zhou, Qin2,3; Lu, Chengang1,4; Li, Gang1; Wang, Xing2,3; Cheng, Peng2,3
Occurrence and maturation transformation of organic and inorganic nitrogen in the Lower Cambrian shelf-slope facies shale: Implications for overmature N2-rich shale reservoirs in Southern China
WOS Research AreaGeology
AbstractThermogenic molecular nitrogen (N-2) is one of the primary sources of high N-2 content in overmature shale gas reservoirs. However, it remains uncertain whether N-2 is released from organic or inorganic sources because the occurrence and thermal stability of different nitrogen species vary. This study investigates the Lower Cambrian shale samples from a well in southeastern Guizhou, China to determine the abundance, occurrence, and source of nitrogen in marine shale. A sealed gold tube pyrolysis experiment was further conducted on isolated kerogen and organic matter (OM)-ashed samples from one typical shale to explore the maturation transformation of organic nitrogen (N-org) and inorganic nitrogen (N-inorg). The results reveal that the studied shale exhibits a high nitrogen content, with the N-org content being less than that of N-inorg. The predominant functionality of N-org is pyrrolic-N, and N-inorg occurs primarily in silicates (NH4+-bearing illite and (NH4+, K, Ba)-feldspar). The structural characteristics of the different nitrogen functionalities cause them to vary in their thermal transformation behavior. The pyrolysis experiment results indicate that the nitrogen release of the shale increases rapidly when EqVRo >3.7%, and the N-2 yields for typically shelf-slope facies shales are primarily 1-2 m(3)/t at EqVRo 4.0%-4.2%, to which the N-inorg has a dominant contribution. Further evidence that the high N-2 shale gas reservoirs occur at EqVRo >3.5% is provided by compiled gas composition data from various risk wells. It is proposed that the Lower Cambrian shale gas exploration should address the considerably increased N-2 risk in the shelf-slope facies area.
KeywordOrganic nitrogen Maturation transformation Lower Cambrian shale Shale gas NH4+-bearing silicates
WOS IDWOS:001280020500001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorGai, Haifeng
Affiliation1.China Univ Geosci Beijing, Sch Energy Resources, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
4.Nanyang Technol Univ, Sch Civil & Environm Engn, 50 Nanyang Ave, Singapore 639798, Singapore
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GB/T 7714
Meng, Guangming,Gai, Haifeng,Yang, Xiumin,et al. Occurrence and maturation transformation of organic and inorganic nitrogen in the Lower Cambrian shelf-slope facies shale: Implications for overmature N2-rich shale reservoirs in Southern China[J]. MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY,2024,168:15.
APA Meng, Guangming.,Gai, Haifeng.,Yang, Xiumin.,Gao, Ping.,Zhou, Qin.,...&Cheng, Peng.(2024).Occurrence and maturation transformation of organic and inorganic nitrogen in the Lower Cambrian shelf-slope facies shale: Implications for overmature N2-rich shale reservoirs in Southern China.MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY,168,15.
MLA Meng, Guangming,et al."Occurrence and maturation transformation of organic and inorganic nitrogen in the Lower Cambrian shelf-slope facies shale: Implications for overmature N2-rich shale reservoirs in Southern China".MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 168(2024):15.
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