GIG OpenIR  > 中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室
Tang, Wufei1,2; Zhang, Huimin3; Liu, Ting1; Li, Xinle1; Yang, Hua1; Huang, Weizhen1; Liao, Yunhui1; Gu, Xiaoyu3; Zhang, Sheng3
Improving the flame retardancy and smoke suppression of ethylene vinyl acetate composites by introducing the hybrid material of Zn/TiO2@AKaol
WOS Research AreaPolymer Science
AbstractEthylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) is widely applied in many important fields, but its broader utility is impeded by its flammability. To address this problem, the pre-acidified kaolinite (AKaol) by sulfuric acid was further dealt with TiO2 loading and Zn2+ doping to obtain Zn/TiO2@AKaol to improve the flame retardancy and smoke suppression of EVA composites containing intumescent flame retardants (IFR) typically. The results showed that the addition of 1 wt% Zn/TiO2@AKaol improved the flame retardancy and reduced the smoke release of EVA/IFR composite. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) value of the EVA/IFR composite containing Zn/ TiO2@AKaol increased to 32.7 % from 27.3 % of EVA/IFR composite. In the cone calorimeter test (CCT), the peak heat release rate (pHRR) and total heat release (THR) values were reduced to 297.5 kW/m2 and 98.8 MJ/ m2 from the 409.9 kW/m2 and 109.3 MJ/m2 of EVA/IFR composite, respectively. Meanwhile, the values of total smoke production (TSP) in the CCT and smoke density tests in building materials were reduced to 13.5 m2 and 33.39 % of EVA/IFR/Zn/TiO2@AKaol composite from 18.4 m2 and 63.91 % of EVA/IFR composite, respectively. Based on the mechanism analysis, it was proposed that Zn/TiO2@AKaol not only promoted the production of P & sdot; in advance, but also increased a cross-linked structure char in the condensed phase to achieve flame retardancy and smoke suppression of EVA composites.
KeywordFlame retardancy Smoke suppression Kaolinite Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer Mechanism
WOS IDWOS:001179082400001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorTang, Wufei; Gu, Xiaoyu
Affiliation1.Hunan Univ Sci & Engn, Coll Chem & Bioengn, Hunan Engn Technol Res Ctr Comprehens Dev & Utiliz, Yongzhou 425199, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, CAS Key Lab Mineral & Metallogeny, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Mineral Phys & Mat, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Beijing Univ Chem Technol, State Key Lab Organ Inorgan Composites, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Tang, Wufei,Zhang, Huimin,Liu, Ting,et al. Improving the flame retardancy and smoke suppression of ethylene vinyl acetate composites by introducing the hybrid material of Zn/TiO2@AKaol[J]. POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2024,221:11.
APA Tang, Wufei.,Zhang, Huimin.,Liu, Ting.,Li, Xinle.,Yang, Hua.,...&Zhang, Sheng.(2024).Improving the flame retardancy and smoke suppression of ethylene vinyl acetate composites by introducing the hybrid material of Zn/TiO2@AKaol.POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,221,11.
MLA Tang, Wufei,et al."Improving the flame retardancy and smoke suppression of ethylene vinyl acetate composites by introducing the hybrid material of Zn/TiO2@AKaol".POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 221(2024):11.
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