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Huang, Chenchen1,2,3,5; Zeng, Yanhong2,3,4; Jiang, Yiye2,3,4; Zhang, Yanting2,3,4; Lu, Qihong6; Liu, Yin-E1,2,3; Guo, Jian7; Wang, Shanquan6; Luo, Xiaojun2,3,4; Mai, Bixian2,3,4
Comprehensive exploration of the anaerobic biotransformation of polychlorinated biphenyls in Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG1: Kinetics, enantioselectivity, and isotope fractionation
WOS Research AreaEnvironmental Sciences & Ecology
AbstractAnaerobic microbial transformation is a key pathway in the natural attenuation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Much less is known about the transformation behaviors induced by pure organohalide-respiring bacteria, especially kinetic isotope effects. Therefore, the kinetics, pathways, enantioselectivity, and carbon and chlorine isotope fractionation of PCBs transformation by Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG1 were comprehensively explored. The results indicated that the PCBs were mainly dechlorinated via removing their double-flanked meta-chlorine, with their first-order kinetic constants following the order of PCB132 > PCB174 > PCB85 > PCB183 > PCB138. However, PCBs occurred great loss of stoichiometric mass balance during microbial transformation, suggesting the generation of other non-dehalogenation products and/or stable intermediates. The preferential transformation of (-)-atropisomers and generation of (+)-atropisomers were observed during PCB132 and PCB174 biotransformation with the enantiomeric enrichment factors of -0.8609 +/- 0.1077 and -0.4503 +/- 0.1334 (first half incubation times)/-0.1888 +/- 0.1354 (second half incubation times), respectively, whereas no enantioselectivity occurred during PCB183 biotransformation. More importantly, although there was no carbon and chlorine isotope fractionation occurring for studied substrates, the delta C-13 values of dechlorination products, including PCB47 (-28.15 +/- 0.35 parts per thousand similar to -27.77 +/- 0.20 parts per thousand), PCB91 (-36.36 +/- 0.09 parts per thousand similar to -34.71 +/- 0.49 parts per thousand), and PCB149 (-28.08 +/- 0.26 parts per thousand similar to -26.83 +/- 0.10 parts per thousand), were all significantly different from those of their corresponding substrates (PCB85: -30.81 +/- 0.02 parts per thousand similar to -30.22 +/- 0.21 parts per thousand, PCB132: -33.57 +/- 0.15 parts per thousand similar to -33.13 +/- 0.14 parts per thousand, and PCB174: -26.30 +/- 0.09 parts per thousand similar to -26.01 +/- 0.07 parts per thousand), which further supported the generation of other non-dehalogenation products and/or stable intermediates with enrichment or depletion of C-13. These findings provide deeper insights into the anaerobic microbial transformation behaviors of PCBs.
KeywordPolychlorinated biphenyls Anaerobic microbial transformation Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG1 Compound-specific isotope analysis
WOS IDWOS:001202320700001
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorZeng, Yanhong
Affiliation1.China Univ Min & Technol, Sch Environm Sci & Spatial Informat, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Environm Protect & Resource, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangdong Hong Kong MaCao Joint Lab Environm Pollu, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
5.Key Lab Pollut Exposure & Hlth Intervent Zhejiang, Hangzhou 310015, Peoples R China
6.Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
7.Guangdong Univ Petrochem Technol, Maoming 525000, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Huang, Chenchen,Zeng, Yanhong,Jiang, Yiye,et al. Comprehensive exploration of the anaerobic biotransformation of polychlorinated biphenyls in Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG1: Kinetics, enantioselectivity, and isotope fractionation[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2024,346:8.
APA Huang, Chenchen.,Zeng, Yanhong.,Jiang, Yiye.,Zhang, Yanting.,Lu, Qihong.,...&Mai, Bixian.(2024).Comprehensive exploration of the anaerobic biotransformation of polychlorinated biphenyls in Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG1: Kinetics, enantioselectivity, and isotope fractionation.ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,346,8.
MLA Huang, Chenchen,et al."Comprehensive exploration of the anaerobic biotransformation of polychlorinated biphenyls in Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG1: Kinetics, enantioselectivity, and isotope fractionation".ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 346(2024):8.
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