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Chen, Yingliang1,2; Su, Hua1,2; Yan, Xiao-Hai3; Zhang, Hongsheng4; Wang, Yunpeng5
Global oceans suffer extreme heatwaves intensifying since the early 21st century: A new comprehensive index
WOS Research AreaBiodiversity & Conservation ; Environmental Sciences & Ecology
AbstractAs a result of global warming, major ocean basins have witnessed an increase in the number of extreme warm events and a decrease in the number of extreme cold events, increasing the number of marine heatwave (MHW) events. Previous quantification of MHW events has been limited to simple single metrics, which can only recognize some characteristics from a particular aspect. Here, we propose a new marine Heat Wave Comprehensive Index (HWCI) by fusing multiple metrics to characterize the scalable cumulative intensity of MHWs, which exhibits excellent identification reliability and superiority to effectively monitor the evolutionary patterns of various levels of MHW events. We find that five levels of global MHW events have presented an obvious spatial expansion and temporal enhancement pattern since the early 21st century, with the obvious spatial contraction (32.98 %) of weak events followed by the expansion (19.82 %) of extreme events at the highest growth rate of 0.07, primarily in the mid-low-latitude oceans and the Arctic. The results demonstrate that extreme MHW events dominate global MHW evolution patterns and that the expansion and intensification of such episodes have major implications for the event distribution and level structure. The new indicator is promising for directly measuring and identifying MHWs, and contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the evolution of MHWs in the context of global climate change.
KeywordMarine heat wave (MHW) Heat wave comprehensive index (HWCI) Climate extremes Global ocean warming
WOS IDWOS:001224778800001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorSu, Hua
Affiliation1.Fuzhou Univ, Acad Digital China, Minist Educ, Key Lab Spatial Data Min & Informat Sharing, Fuzhou 350108, Peoples R China
2.Fuzhou Univ, Natl & Local Joint Engn Res Ctr Satellite Geospati, Fuzhou 350108, Peoples R China
3.Univ Delaware, Ctr Remote Sensing, Coll Earth Ocean & Environm, Newark, DE 19716 USA
4.Univ Hong Kong, Dept Geog, Hong Kong 999077, Peoples R China
5.Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Chen, Yingliang,Su, Hua,Yan, Xiao-Hai,et al. Global oceans suffer extreme heatwaves intensifying since the early 21st century: A new comprehensive index[J]. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS,2024,162:10.
APA Chen, Yingliang,Su, Hua,Yan, Xiao-Hai,Zhang, Hongsheng,&Wang, Yunpeng.(2024).Global oceans suffer extreme heatwaves intensifying since the early 21st century: A new comprehensive index.ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS,162,10.
MLA Chen, Yingliang,et al."Global oceans suffer extreme heatwaves intensifying since the early 21st century: A new comprehensive index".ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 162(2024):10.
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