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Zhang, Qianyu1,2,3; Ma, Huimin1,2; Li, Jun1,2; Jiang, Hongxing1,2; Chen, Wenjing1,2,3; Wan, Cong1,2; Jiang, Bin1,2; Dong, Guanghui4; Zeng, Xiaowen4; Chen, Duohong2,5; Lu, Shaoyou6; You, Jing7; Yu, Zhiqiang1,2; Wang, Xinming1,2; Zhang, Gan1,2
Nitroaromatic Compounds from Secondary Nitrate Formation and Biomass Burning Are Major Proinflammatory Components in Organic Aerosols in Guangzhou: A Bioassay Combining High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis
WOS Research AreaEngineering ; Environmental Sciences & Ecology
AbstractThe limited characterization and detection capacity of unknown compounds hinder our understanding of the molecular composition of toxic compounds in PM2.5. The present study applied Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry coupled with negative and positive electrospray ionization sources (ESI-/ESI+ FT-ICR-MS) to probe the molecular characteristics and dynamic formation processes of the effective proinflammatory components in organic aerosols (OAs) of PM2.5 in Guangzhou for one year. We detected abundant proinflammatory molecules in OAs, mainly classified as CHON compounds (compounds composed of C, H, O, and N atoms) in elemental and nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) in structures. From the perspective of the formation process, we discovered that these proinflammatory molecules, especially toxic NACs, were largely driven by secondary nitrate formation and biomass burning (in emission source), as well as SO2 (in atmospheric evolution). In addition, our results indicated that the secondary processes had replaced the primary emission as the main contributing source of the toxic proinflammatory compounds in OAs. This study highlights the importance of community measures to control the production of nitroaromatic compounds derived from secondary nitrate formation and biomass burning in urban areas.
KeywordPM2.5 organicaerosols inflammation screening FT-ICR-MS source environmentalprocess
WOS IDWOS:001132972200001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorMa, Huimin; Li, Jun
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Environm Protect & Resource, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
4.Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Prevent Med, Guangzhou 510080, Peoples R China
5.Guangdong Environm Monitoring Ctr, Dept Air Qual Forecasting & Early Warning, State Environm Protect Key Lab Reg Air Qual Monito, Guangdong Environm Protect Key Lab Atmospher Secon, Guangzhou 510308, Peoples R China
6.Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Publ Hlth Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518107, Peoples R China
7.Jinan Univ, Sch Environm, Guangdong Key Lab Environm Pollut & Hlth, Guangzhou 511443, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Zhang, Qianyu,Ma, Huimin,Li, Jun,et al. Nitroaromatic Compounds from Secondary Nitrate Formation and Biomass Burning Are Major Proinflammatory Components in Organic Aerosols in Guangzhou: A Bioassay Combining High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023,57(51):21570-21580.
APA Zhang, Qianyu.,Ma, Huimin.,Li, Jun.,Jiang, Hongxing.,Chen, Wenjing.,...&Zhang, Gan.(2023).Nitroaromatic Compounds from Secondary Nitrate Formation and Biomass Burning Are Major Proinflammatory Components in Organic Aerosols in Guangzhou: A Bioassay Combining High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,57(51),21570-21580.
MLA Zhang, Qianyu,et al."Nitroaromatic Compounds from Secondary Nitrate Formation and Biomass Burning Are Major Proinflammatory Components in Organic Aerosols in Guangzhou: A Bioassay Combining High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis".ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 57.51(2023):21570-21580.
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