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Ge, Zhen-Min1,2; Huang, Xiao-Long1; Xie, Wei3; Hofig, Tobias W.4,7; Yang, Fan5; Yu, Yang1; Singh, S. Khogenkumar6
Metasomatized mantle source of nascent oceanic crust in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
Source PublicationCHEMICAL GEOLOGY
WOS Research AreaGeochemistry & Geophysics
AbstractThe geochemical characteristics of nascent oceanic crust play a crucial role in unraveling the mantle dynamics of the initial opening of an ocean. The Gulf of California, located at the East Pacific margin, is one of the best examples of an active and obliquely rifted continental margin. However, the mantle source composition of the nascent oceanic crust in the central part of the Gulf has not yet been comprehensively investigated. Here, we report in situ major and trace element contents as well as B-Sr isotope compositions for basaltic glass samples from off-axis sills drilled by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 385 at Sites U1547 and U1548 in the Guaymas Basin in the central part of the Gulf of California. These glassy samples represent tholeiites and predominantly show trace element patterns akin to those of enriched mid-ocean ridge basalts (EMORBs) but with distinctive enrichments in Ba and K and depletions in Nb, Ta, and Ti. In addition, these samples have high B contents (3.07-3.67 ppm) with enriched Sr isotopes (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7032-0.7037) and heavy B isotopes (delta 11B = - 5.52%o to 1.20%o). The mixing model based on B/Nb values and Sr-B isotopes shows that the nascent oceanic crust in the Guaymas Basin might be generated through partial melting of a depleted MORB mantle (DMM) source metasomatized by melts from subducted slab materials referring to partially dehydrated sediment and altered oceanic crust components. The magmas in the Gulf of California show a systematic decline in their enrichment in fluid-mobile elements (Ba) and depletion in fluid-immobile elements (Nb, Ta, and Ti) from the northern (e.g., Isla San Luis volcanic center) to the central part (Guaymas Basin) and southward to the mouth (e.g., Alarc ' on Basin) of the Gulf. This suggests that the enriched (recycled) components in their mantle source were gradually extracted and exhausted during Gulf opening and oceanic crustal accretion that advanced in a northward direction. Our results indicate that the Guaymas Basin magmas were derived from a mantle that was fertilized by subduction components. The subduction signature corroborates the Gulf opening as a process that started in response to long-term oblique convergence at the eastern Pacific plate margin without any influence from a mantle plume. This evolution is different from nascent ocean basins that evolved from intraplate rifting, such as the Red Sea, leading to vastly different mantle source characteristics.
KeywordBasaltic glass Boron isotopes Nascent oceanic crust Mantle geochemistry Guaymas Basin Gulf of California
WOS IDWOS:001126774200001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorHuang, Xiao-Long; Xie, Wei
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
3.Hohai Univ, Coll Oceanog, Key Lab Marine Hazards Forecasting, Nanjing 210024, Peoples R China
4.Texas A&M Univ, Int Ocean Discovery Program, 1000 Discovery Dr, College Stn, TX 77845 USA
5.Southern Marine Sci & Engn Guangdong Lab Guangzhou, Guangzhou 511458, Peoples R China
6.CSIR Natl Inst Oceanog CSIR NIO, Panaji 403004, Goa, India
7.Julich Res Ctr GmbH, Project Management Julich, D-18069 Rostock, Germany
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GB/T 7714
Ge, Zhen-Min,Huang, Xiao-Long,Xie, Wei,et al. Metasomatized mantle source of nascent oceanic crust in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California[J]. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY,2024,643:13.
APA Ge, Zhen-Min.,Huang, Xiao-Long.,Xie, Wei.,Hofig, Tobias W..,Yang, Fan.,...&Singh, S. Khogenkumar.(2024).Metasomatized mantle source of nascent oceanic crust in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California.CHEMICAL GEOLOGY,643,13.
MLA Ge, Zhen-Min,et al."Metasomatized mantle source of nascent oceanic crust in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California".CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 643(2024):13.
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