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Zhang, Le1,2; Hong, Lu-Bing3; Qian, Sheng-Ping4; He, Peng-Li1,2; He, Miao-Hong1,2; Yang, Ya-Nan1,2; Wang, Jin-Tuan1,2; Zhang, Yan-Qiang1,2; Ren, Zhong-Yuan1,2
The effect of elemental diffusion on the application of olivine-composition-based magmatic thermometry, oxybarometry, and hygrometry: A case study of olivine phenocrysts from the Jiagedaqi basalts, northeast China
WOS Research AreaGeochemistry & Geophysics ; Mineralogy
AbstractOlivine compositions are widely used to constrain magmatic thermodynamic conditions such as magmatic temperature, oxygen fugacity, and H2O content. However, elemental diffusion may change the initial compositions and lead to large uncertainty on the estimation of these thermodynamic conditions. In this study, we conducted LA-ICP-MS elemental mapping and EPMA analysis of olivine phenocrysts and olivine-hosted spinel from the Jiagedaqi (JGD) alkaline basalts in northeast China to evaluate the influence of elemental diffusion on olivine-composition-based geothermometry, oxybarometry, and hygrometry. The JGD olivines show normal Fo [Mg/(Mg + Fe) x 100 in moles] zoning, with cores having Fo of 77-87 and rims having Fo of 67-73. The constant P contents from core to rim indicate that these compositional zonings were caused mainly by diffusion. Because Al is a slow-diffusing element and its content is relatively constant from core to rim, the temperature calculated by the Al-in-olivine thermometer is not influenced by elemental diffusion and preserves the JGD olivine crystallization temperature up to 1150 degrees C. The temperatures calculated using the Sc/Y-in-olivine thermometer, the oxygen fugacity calculated using the olivine-spinel oxybarometer, and the H2O content calculated on the basis of Ca partitioning between olivine and melt are strongly influenced by the diffusion of Fo, Sc/Y, and Ca. However, the compositional plateaus in olivine cores, which were not influenced by elemental diffusion, preserve the magmatic temperature (1150 degrees C), oxygen fugacity (QFM+1.4), and H2O content (4 wt%) that applied during the formation of the JGD olivines. Together, these findings suggest that the mantle source of the JGD basalts was metasomatized by fluids released from the subducted slab. This study highlights that elemental diffusion in olivine phenocrysts can strongly affect the application of olivine-composition-based geothermometers, oxybarometers, and hygrometers. However, primitive olivine cores that have not been influenced by diffusion preserve the initial magmatic thermodynamic conditions.
KeywordOlivine diffusion magma storage compositional zoning NE China Jiagedaqi basalts
WOS IDWOS:001039288500004
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorZhang, Le; Ren, Zhong-Yuan
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Guilin Univ Technol, Coll Earth Sci, Guilin 541004, Peoples R China
4.Tongji Univ, State Key Lab Marine Geol, Shanghai 200092, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Zhang, Le,Hong, Lu-Bing,Qian, Sheng-Ping,et al. The effect of elemental diffusion on the application of olivine-composition-based magmatic thermometry, oxybarometry, and hygrometry: A case study of olivine phenocrysts from the Jiagedaqi basalts, northeast China[J]. AMERICAN MINERALOGIST,2023,108(8):1449-1460.
APA Zhang, Le.,Hong, Lu-Bing.,Qian, Sheng-Ping.,He, Peng-Li.,He, Miao-Hong.,...&Ren, Zhong-Yuan.(2023).The effect of elemental diffusion on the application of olivine-composition-based magmatic thermometry, oxybarometry, and hygrometry: A case study of olivine phenocrysts from the Jiagedaqi basalts, northeast China.AMERICAN MINERALOGIST,108(8),1449-1460.
MLA Zhang, Le,et al."The effect of elemental diffusion on the application of olivine-composition-based magmatic thermometry, oxybarometry, and hygrometry: A case study of olivine phenocrysts from the Jiagedaqi basalts, northeast China".AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 108.8(2023):1449-1460.
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