GIG OpenIR  > 中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室
Xing, Chang -Ming1,2,3; Cao, Yonghua1,2,3
Cryptic compositional variation of olivine between interlayered troctolite and net-textured Fe-Ti oxide ore in the Baima layered intrusion, SW China: Implications for the origin of banded Fe-Ti oxide ores
WOS Research AreaGeology
AbstractThe Baima layered intrusion in the Panzhihua-Xichang (Panxi) region in SW China hosts thick Fe-Ti oxide ore layers in its lower zone, including net-textured ores, banded ores and disseminated ores. Particularly, the banded ores are composed of melanocratic layers of net-textured ores alternating with leucocratic layers of troctolite or olivine gabbro, forming a distinct type of layering in the intrusion. Although there are many geochemical and mineralogical studies have been carried out to constrain the origin of Fe-Ti oxide ores in the Baima intrusion, it still remains unclear how such a type of layering formed. In this study, we conducted detailed examination of the textures and compositions of minerals for the interlayered troctolite and net-textured ores, which occur in a scale of centimeters and have sharp, unconformable contacts. Plagioclase laths in the net-textured ores are commonly corroded and show preferred orientation of c-axis parallel to the layering, whereas those in troctolite show random orientation. Olivine grains in the net-textured ore layers are generally rounded, whereas those in the troctolite layers show both granular and poikilitic habits. Analytical results show that plagioclase has nearly consistent An content (55-58) along the profiles. In contrast, olivine shows cryptic variation of Fo content (71-74) across the profiles with multiple reversals of Fo content within the troctolite or plagioclase-rich layers. The olivine grains in the net-textured ore layers have complex P zoning, indicating a two-stage growth process of olivine. Combining with the results of previous studies, we propose that such a layered structure may have formed by slumping of immiscible Fe-rich melts with a troctolitic mush along the inclined floor of the magma chamber. This study provides new evidence for late-stage crystallization of Fe-Ti oxides in a crystal mush, which may have broad implications for the origin of Fe-Ti oxide ores in the layered intrusions elsewhere in the Panxi region.
KeywordNet -textured ore Troctolite Layering Baima layered intrusion Panxi region
WOS IDWOS:001045027800001
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:1[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorXing, Chang -Ming
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Key Lab Mineral & Metallogeny, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Guangdong Prov Key Lab Mineral Phys & Mat, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xing, Chang -Ming,Cao, Yonghua. Cryptic compositional variation of olivine between interlayered troctolite and net-textured Fe-Ti oxide ore in the Baima layered intrusion, SW China: Implications for the origin of banded Fe-Ti oxide ores[J]. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES,2023,255:13.
APA Xing, Chang -Ming,&Cao, Yonghua.(2023).Cryptic compositional variation of olivine between interlayered troctolite and net-textured Fe-Ti oxide ore in the Baima layered intrusion, SW China: Implications for the origin of banded Fe-Ti oxide ores.JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES,255,13.
MLA Xing, Chang -Ming,et al."Cryptic compositional variation of olivine between interlayered troctolite and net-textured Fe-Ti oxide ore in the Baima layered intrusion, SW China: Implications for the origin of banded Fe-Ti oxide ores".JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 255(2023):13.
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