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Li, Qilu1,5; Cheng, Lei1; Jin, Xinjie1; Liu, Linjie1; Shangguan, Jingfang2,5; Chang, Shixiang1; Sun, Ruoxi1; Shang, Yihan1; Lv, Qing3; Li, Jun4; Zhang, Gan4
Chlorinated paraffins in multimedia during residential interior finishing: Occurrences, behavior, and health risk
WOS Research AreaEnvironmental Sciences & Ecology
AbstractThough with bioaccumulation and toxicity, chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are still high produced and widely utilized in various daily necessities for extender plasticization and flame retardation. CPs can be released during the reprocessing processes of finishing materials and distributed in multi-environmental media. Herein, concentrations and compositions of CPs in four representative media including interior finishing materials, PM10, total suspended particulate (TSP), and dust samples collected from eight interior finishing stages were studied. Unexpectedly, CP concentrations in ceramic tiles was found to be high with a mean value of 7.02 x 103 & mu;g g_ 1, which could be attributed to the presence of CPs in the protective wax coated on ceramic tiles surfaces. Furthermore, the pollution characteristics of short-chain and medium-chain CPs (SCCPs and MCCPs) in those samples were inconsistent. According to the investigation regarding Kdust_TSP and KPM10_TSP, the occurrence and distribution of CPs in indoor atmospheric particles (PM10 and TSP) and dust were highly affected by reprocessing processes (cutting, hot melting, etc.) compared to that in the finishing materials. Moreover, dermal contact was the primary pathway of CP exposure for the occupational population (interior construction workers) for most interior finishing stages, and the interior finishing process is the prime CP exposure period for the occupational groups. As suggested by our assessment, though hardly posing an immediate health risk, CPs exposure still presents unneglected adverse health effects, which calls for adequate personal protections during interior finishing, especially in developing countries.
KeywordChlorinated paraffins Multimedia Residential interior finishing Health risk Reprocessing methods Floor wax
WOS IDWOS:001029817500001
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Cited Times:3[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLi, Qilu; Shangguan, Jingfang
Affiliation1.Henan Normal Univ, Key Lab Yellow River & Huai River Water Environm &, Henan Key Lab Environm Pollut Control, Sch Environm,Minist Educ, Xinxiang 453007, Henan, Peoples R China
2.Xinxiang Med Univ, Sch Pharm, Xinxiang 453003, Henan, Peoples R China
3.Chinese Acad Inspect & Quarantine, Inst Ind & Consumer Prod Safety, Beijing 100176, Peoples R China
4.Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
5.Henan Normal Univ, Sch Environm, Xinxiang, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Li, Qilu,Cheng, Lei,Jin, Xinjie,et al. Chlorinated paraffins in multimedia during residential interior finishing: Occurrences, behavior, and health risk[J]. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL,2023,178:9.
APA Li, Qilu.,Cheng, Lei.,Jin, Xinjie.,Liu, Linjie.,Shangguan, Jingfang.,...&Zhang, Gan.(2023).Chlorinated paraffins in multimedia during residential interior finishing: Occurrences, behavior, and health risk.ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL,178,9.
MLA Li, Qilu,et al."Chlorinated paraffins in multimedia during residential interior finishing: Occurrences, behavior, and health risk".ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 178(2023):9.
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