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Wu, Fan1; Zhou, Zhimin1; Zhang, Shaoqiong1; Cheng, Fei1; Tong, Yujun1; Li, Liang1; Zhang, Biao2; Zeng, Xiangying2; Li, Huizhen1; Wang, Dali1; Yu, Zhiqiang2; You, Jing1
Toxicity identification evaluation for hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water during shale gas exploitation in China: Evidence from tissue residues and gene expression
Source PublicationWATER RESEARCH
WOS Research AreaEngineering ; Environmental Sciences & Ecology ; Water Resources
AbstractHydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water (HF-FPW) from shale gas extraction processes is a highly complex medium with potential threats to the environment. Current research on ecological risks of FPW in China is limited, and the link between major components of FPW and their toxicological effects on freshwater organisms is largely unknown. By integrating chemical and biological analyses, toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) was used to reveal causality between toxicity and contaminants, potentially disentangling the complex toxicological nature of FPW. Here, FPW from different shale gas wells, treated FPW effluent, and a leachate from HF sludge were collected from southwest China, and TIE was applied to obtain a comprehensive toxicity evaluation in freshwater organisms. Our results showed that FPW from the same geographic zone could cause significantly different toxicity. Salinity, solid phase particulates, and organic contaminants were identified as the main contributors to the toxicity of FPW. In addition to water chemistry, internal alkanes, PAHs, and HF additives (e.g., biocides and surfactants) were quantified in exposed embryonic fish by target and non-target tissue analyses. The treated FPW failed to mitigate the toxicity associated with organic contaminants. Transcriptomic results illustrated that organic compounds induced toxicity pathways in FPW-exposed embryonic zebrafish. Similar zebrafish gene ontologies were affected between treated and untreated FPW, again confirming that sewage treatment did not effectively remove organic chemicals from FPW. Thus, zebrafish transcriptome analyses revealed organic toxicant-induced adverse outcome pathways and served as evidence for TIE confirmation in complex mixtures under data-poor scenarios.
KeywordShale gas Ecological risk from mixtures Toxicity identification evaluation Non -target analysis Organismal uptake Transcriptomic analysis
WOS IDWOS:001015648500001
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:10[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorYou, Jing
Affiliation1.Jinan Univ, Sch Environm, Guangdong Key Lab Environm Pollut & Hlth, Guangzhou 511443, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Wu, Fan,Zhou, Zhimin,Zhang, Shaoqiong,et al. Toxicity identification evaluation for hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water during shale gas exploitation in China: Evidence from tissue residues and gene expression[J]. WATER RESEARCH,2023,241:12.
APA Wu, Fan.,Zhou, Zhimin.,Zhang, Shaoqiong.,Cheng, Fei.,Tong, Yujun.,...&You, Jing.(2023).Toxicity identification evaluation for hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water during shale gas exploitation in China: Evidence from tissue residues and gene expression.WATER RESEARCH,241,12.
MLA Wu, Fan,et al."Toxicity identification evaluation for hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water during shale gas exploitation in China: Evidence from tissue residues and gene expression".WATER RESEARCH 241(2023):12.
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