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Liu, Jianxing1,2; Xu, Taoyu1,2; Zhang, Qiang3; Yu, Xiaoxiao4; Wu, Yonghua1,2; Liu, Qingsong2,5; Shi, Xuefa1,2
Exploring Spatiotemporal Paleoenvironmental and Paleoceanographic Changes on the Continental Shelf Using Authigenic Greigite: A Case Study From the East China Sea
WOS Research AreaGeology ; Oceanography ; Paleontology
AbstractThe lack of suitable indicators of changes in such as sea-level and circulation has been a major limit to paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic investigations in continental shelf regions. This paper presents an environmental magnetic study by comparing two late-Quaternary sediment cores (DH02 and DH03) from the outer shelf of the East China Sea (ECS). Late and early Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 sediments were deposited in a prodelta under cold coastal currents and an open-shelf with the Taiwan Warm Current and upwelling. The dominant iron-bearing minerals of the late and early MIS 3 sediments are authigenic greigite (Fe3S4) and pyrite (FeS2), respectively, which were assumed to be formed nearly syndepositionally. The overlying sediments, however, are magnetically dominated by detrital magnetite. This pattern corresponds well to the temporal changes in sea-level over this period. The widespread occurrence of greigite in the late MIS 3 sediments can also be used for future stratigraphic division and correlation in the ECS. Additionally, compared to microfossil assemblages, rock magnetic parameters based on greigite may be more sensitive to environmental changes on continental shelves. Furthermore, the inter-borehole spatial comparisons imply not only a sedimentary hiatus/erosion of at least 30-m thickness in core DH02, most probably during the Last Glacial Maximum, but also that core DH02 was in a more reductive environment than core DH03 during late MIS 3. The findings highlight the potential of authigenic greigite as an indicator of spatiotemporal changes in paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic conditions on the continental shelf at orbital or even suborbital timescales.
Keywordgreigite continental shelf rock magnetism paleoenvironment paleoceanography sea-level change
WOS IDWOS:001006945200001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLiu, Jianxing; Shi, Xuefa
Affiliation1.Minist Nat Resources MNR, Inst Oceanog 1, Key Lab Marine Geol & Metallogeny, Qingdao, Peoples R China
2.Qingdao Pilot Natl Lab Marine Sci & Technol, Lab Marine Geol, Qingdao, Peoples R China
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geol & Geophys, State Key Lab Lithospher Evolut, Beijing, Peoples R China
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
5.Southern Univ Sci & Technol, Ctr Marine Magnetism CM2, Dept Ocean Sci & Engn, Shenzhen, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Liu, Jianxing,Xu, Taoyu,Zhang, Qiang,et al. Exploring Spatiotemporal Paleoenvironmental and Paleoceanographic Changes on the Continental Shelf Using Authigenic Greigite: A Case Study From the East China Sea[J]. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY,2023,38(6):18.
APA Liu, Jianxing.,Xu, Taoyu.,Zhang, Qiang.,Yu, Xiaoxiao.,Wu, Yonghua.,...&Shi, Xuefa.(2023).Exploring Spatiotemporal Paleoenvironmental and Paleoceanographic Changes on the Continental Shelf Using Authigenic Greigite: A Case Study From the East China Sea.PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY,38(6),18.
MLA Liu, Jianxing,et al."Exploring Spatiotemporal Paleoenvironmental and Paleoceanographic Changes on the Continental Shelf Using Authigenic Greigite: A Case Study From the East China Sea".PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY 38.6(2023):18.
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