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Li, Chaopeng1,2,3; Zheng, Dewen1,2; Yu, Jingxing3; Wang, Yizhou3; Pang, Jianzhang3; Wang, Ying3; Ma, Yan3; Hao, Yuqi3; Xu, Yi-Gang1,2
Late Oligocene Orogen-Scale Tilting in Northern Tibet: A Response to Northward Injection of the Tibetan Lower Crust?
WOS Research AreaGeology
AbstractThe East Kunlun Shan (EKLS) in northern Tibet occupies boundaries of the low-relief topography and lower crustal low-velocity zone in the interior plateau, making it ideal for exploring the relationship of surface deformation with underlying geodynamic processes. We used previous and new apatite (U-Th)/He data to analyze the exhumation history and pattern throughout the EKLS and link surface deformation to deep structures. Integrated (U-Th)/He ages reveal the rapid exhumation at 27-25 Ma, due to the coeval orogen-scale tilting of the EKLS. Along with the crustal structures beneath the EKLS, it is inferred that orogen-scale tilting is the isostatic response of the nonuniform crustal thickening related to northward injection of the Tibetan lower crust. This study highlights the role of ductile deformation within the lower crust in mountain building in northern Tibet, which shares a similarity with mountain building pattern in the eastern plateau margin.
Keywordnorthern Tibet East Kunlun Shan apatite (U-Th) He orogen-scale tilting late Oligocene isostatic response
WOS IDWOS:000999822400001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLi, Chaopeng
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
2.CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
3.China Earthquake Adm, Inst Geol, State Key Lab Earthquake Dynam, Beijing, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Li, Chaopeng,Zheng, Dewen,Yu, Jingxing,et al. Late Oligocene Orogen-Scale Tilting in Northern Tibet: A Response to Northward Injection of the Tibetan Lower Crust?[J]. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS,2023,50(8):10.
APA Li, Chaopeng.,Zheng, Dewen.,Yu, Jingxing.,Wang, Yizhou.,Pang, Jianzhang.,...&Xu, Yi-Gang.(2023).Late Oligocene Orogen-Scale Tilting in Northern Tibet: A Response to Northward Injection of the Tibetan Lower Crust?.GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS,50(8),10.
MLA Li, Chaopeng,et al."Late Oligocene Orogen-Scale Tilting in Northern Tibet: A Response to Northward Injection of the Tibetan Lower Crust?".GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 50.8(2023):10.
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