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Chen, Xiangrui1,2,3; Wang, Yunpeng1,2; Tao, Mingxin3; Zhou, Zheng4; He, Zhihua1; Song, Kailin5
Tracing the origin and formation mechanisms of coalbed gas from the Fuxin Basin in China using geochemical and isotopic signatures of the gas and coproduced water
WOS Research AreaEnergy & Fuels ; Geology
AbstractCoalbed gas (CBG) is an unconventional natural gas with a large resource potential. In order to determine its origins, formation pathways and mechanisms, studies on the geochemistry of CBG, coalbed water and coal have been carried out for years. However, the relationship between geochemistry of CBG and coalbed water is still not clear, especially with respect to the CO2 dissolution process. Here, a comprehensive study on the geochemistry of CBG and coproduction water in samples from the Fuxin Basin, China, is presented. Twenty-four gas and water samples were collected directly from the CBG producing well heads. C1/(C2 + C3) values are far >1000, delta 13C1 values range between-62.8 and-57.6%0, delta DCH4 values are from-252 to-225%0, Delta DH2O-CH4 values are from 148 to 178%0, and alpha CO2-C1 values are from 1.04 to 1.05. The composition characteristics, associated with the genetic diagrams of delta 13C1 vs. delta DCH4 and delta 13C1 vs. delta 13CCO2, and low coal rank (0.4-0.6% Ro), suggest that the CBG in the Fuxi Basin is mainly microbial gas. The Na-HCO3-Cl type of water in the coalbed is favorable for meth-anogenesis. delta DH2O and delta 18OH2O plot along the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and to the left of the local meteoric water line (LMWL), suggesting that the coalbed water is mainly from meteoric water recharge. How-ever, isotope values in water may have been modified by methanogenesis and water-rock interaction. Delta DH2O-CH4 values of 148 to 178%0 suggest that methanogenic pathway is mainly CO2 reduction. However, alpha CO2-C1 values of 1.04 to 1.05 suggest that methanogenesis pathway might be acetoclastic or methylotrophic. This inconsistency may be caused by low delta 13CCO2 values (-19.2 to-14.2%0) and thus low alpha CO2-C1 values due to high dissolution effect of CO2 and relative strong hydrodynamic activity in coal aquifers in the Fuxin Basin. Groundwater flow can carry away 13C-enriched CO2 dissolved in water, thus, the residual CO2 and DIC are depleted in 13C. Conse-quently, CO2 reduction is likely the main methanogenic pathway in the basin. Although CH4 and H2O may be close to isotope equilibrium for some samples, the CH4, CO2 and HCO3- are isotopically in disequilibrium at present reservoir conditions. Overall, kinetic processes largely control isotopic composition and distribution of the CBG and coalbed water in the Fuxin Basin. The CBG in the Fuxin Basin has been continuously generated, probably since the deposition of the coal-bearing formation. Although part of the CBG may have been lost during coalbed uplift stage, uplift to near surface allow re-inoculation of coalbeds with methanogenic microbial con-sortia via meteoric water recharge, which can accelerate the formation and accumulation of the microbial CBG. Consequently, most CBG in the present coalbed has been generated likely after the coal strata uplift.
KeywordMicrobial coalbed gas Coproduction water CO 2 dissolution Isotope fractionation Fuxin Basin
WOS IDWOS:000925122800001
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:9[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorWang, Yunpeng
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.CAS Ctr Excellence Deep Earth Sci, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Beijing Normal Univ, Fac Geog Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
4.Univ Lancaster, Lancaster Environm Ctr, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, England
5.Liaoning Energy Geol Explorat & Dev Res Inst Co, Shenyang 110003, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Chen, Xiangrui,Wang, Yunpeng,Tao, Mingxin,et al. Tracing the origin and formation mechanisms of coalbed gas from the Fuxin Basin in China using geochemical and isotopic signatures of the gas and coproduced water[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY,2023,267:12.
APA Chen, Xiangrui,Wang, Yunpeng,Tao, Mingxin,Zhou, Zheng,He, Zhihua,&Song, Kailin.(2023).Tracing the origin and formation mechanisms of coalbed gas from the Fuxin Basin in China using geochemical and isotopic signatures of the gas and coproduced water.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY,267,12.
MLA Chen, Xiangrui,et al."Tracing the origin and formation mechanisms of coalbed gas from the Fuxin Basin in China using geochemical and isotopic signatures of the gas and coproduced water".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 267(2023):12.
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