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Wang, Yujing1; Liu, Junwen1; Jiang, Fan1; Chen, Zixi1; Wu, Lili1; Zhou, Shengzhen2,3; Pei, Chenglei4; Kuang, Ye1; Cao, Fang5; Zhang, Yanlin5; Fan, Meiyi6; Zheng, Junyu1; Li, Jun6,7; Zhang, Gan6,7
Vertical measurements of stable nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition of fine particulate nitrate aerosol in Guangzhou city: Source apportionment and oxidation pathway
WOS Research AreaEnvironmental Sciences & Ecology
AbstractNowadays, the emission source and formation mechanism of fine particulate nitrate (pNO3-) in China are mired in con-troversy. In this study, the stable nitrogen isotope (815N-NO3 -) and triple oxygen isotope (A17O-NO3 -) were determined for the pNO3- samples collected at three heights under different atmospheric oxidation capacity (AOC) (Ox = O3 + NO2: 107 +/- 29 mu g m-3 at ground, 102 +/- 28 mu g m-3 at 118 m, 122 +/- 23 mu g m-3 at 488 m) conditions during the sampling period based on the Canton Tower, Guangzhou, China. The Bayesian mixing model showed that coal com-bustion was the largest contributor to pNO3- in this city, followed by biomass burning, vehicle exhaust, and soil emis-sion. Interestingly, we found that vertical NOx and pNO3- concentrations displayed an opposite pattern owing to the different formation mechanisms among heights. The average contributions of oxidation pathways for (NO2 + OH, P1), (NO3 + DMS/HC, P2), and (N2O5 + H2O, P3) were 61 %, 12 %, and 27 % at the ground, respectively, and these values would vary greatly among heights. These results implied that both AOC and NOx loading played an im-portant role in pNO3- production. The pNO3- displayed a positive correlation with NOx (r = 0.95) with an enhanced contribution of the P1 pathway under the relatively high AOC condition. However, pNO3- has a negative correlation with NOx (r = -0.99) with a rise of heterogeneous reaction (P2 and P3) under the relatively low AOC condition. Therefore, the current emission control strategy for air pollution in China needs to consider the AOC conditions among regions to effectively mitigate particulate air pollution.
KeywordNitrate Triple oxygen isotope Stable nitrogen isotope Formation mechanism Emission source
WOS IDWOS:000918417700001
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:7[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLiu, Junwen
Affiliation1.Jinan Univ, Inst Environm & Climate Res, Guangzhou 511443, Peoples R China
2.Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Atmospher Sci, Guangdong Prov Field Observat, Guangzhou 510275, Peoples R China
3.Sun Yat Sen Univ, Res Stn Climate Environm & Air Qual Change Pearl R, Guangzhou 510275, Peoples R China
4.Guangdong Ecol & Environm Monitoring Ctr, Guangzhou Sub branch, Guangzhou 510308, Peoples R China
5.Nanjing Univ Informat Sci & Technol, Yale NUIST Ctr Atmospher Environm, Int Joint Lab Climate & Environm Change, Nanjing 210044, Peoples R China
6.Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Hong Kong 999077, Peoples R China
7.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Wang, Yujing,Liu, Junwen,Jiang, Fan,et al. Vertical measurements of stable nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition of fine particulate nitrate aerosol in Guangzhou city: Source apportionment and oxidation pathway[J]. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023,865:9.
APA Wang, Yujing.,Liu, Junwen.,Jiang, Fan.,Chen, Zixi.,Wu, Lili.,...&Zhang, Gan.(2023).Vertical measurements of stable nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition of fine particulate nitrate aerosol in Guangzhou city: Source apportionment and oxidation pathway.SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,865,9.
MLA Wang, Yujing,et al."Vertical measurements of stable nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition of fine particulate nitrate aerosol in Guangzhou city: Source apportionment and oxidation pathway".SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 865(2023):9.
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