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Miao, Xiaoming1,2; Wei, Jiangong3,4,5; Li, Jingrui6,7; Liu, Xiting2; Wang, Dong1; Li, Jie8; Feng, Xiuli2
Isotopically light Mo in sediments of methane seepage controlled by the benthic Fe-Mn redox shuttle process
WOS Research AreaPhysical Geography ; Geology
AbstractMethane seepage has been extensively observed in various continental margin settings. It has profound effects on the marine redox environment and the molybdenum (Mo) cycles in marine sediments. Therefore, there has been much recent attention on the redox-sensitive behavior of Mo in methane seepage environments. However, the characteristics of the Mo isotope composition in the cold-seep system remain poorly understood. In this study, we performed geochemical analyses, including Mo content and isotope composition, on sediment samples (core QDN-MS6) from the "Haima" cold-seep deposit area in the South China Sea. The analysis reveals a significant concentration of authigenic pyrite in the mid-section of QDN-MS6 core (373-403 cm). Moreover, the delta 34 S value in this interval is notably elevated with high total sulfur/total organic carbon ratio. Additionally, the sediments in the mid-section exhibits substantial enrichment in Mo (enrichment factors of Mo ranging from 5.29 to 39.32). This implies that the sediments in the mid-section are influenced by sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Most notably, the sediments in the mid-section displayed distinct low delta 98 Mo values (with an average of- 0.7 parts per thousand). After careful consideration, we ruled out the influence of organic matter, an oxic environment, a weakly sulfidic environment, and incomplete removal of thiopolybdate as contributing factors. Based on delta 56 Fe-Fe/Al ratios, (Mo-U) enrichment factors, and As enrichment factors, we propose that the "benthic Fe-Mn redox shuttle process" is the primary cause of the observed light delta 98 Mo signatures in sediments. This newly identified mechanism sheds light on Mo isotope cycling in methane seepage environments and enhances our understanding of the Mo isotope cycling process.
KeywordMethane seepage Molybdenum isotope Iron isotope Sediment Redox Fe -Mn shuttle
WOS IDWOS:001271583400001
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLiu, Xiting; Feng, Xiuli
Affiliation1.Ocean Univ China, MOE Key Lab Marine Environm & Ecol, Qingdao 266100, Peoples R China
2.Ocean Univ China, Coll Marine Geosci, Key Lab Submarine Geosci & Prospecting Technol, MOE, Qingdao 266100, Peoples R China
3.China Geol Survey, Sanya Inst South China Sea Geol, Guangzhou Marine Geol Survey, Sanya 572024, Peoples R China
4.China Geol Survey, Minist Nat Resources, Key Lab Marine Mineral Resoures, Guangzhou Marine Geol Survey, Guangzhou 511458, Peoples R China
5.China Geol Survey, Acad South China Sea Geol Sci, Sanya 572024, Peoples R China
6.Qingdao Natl Lab Marine Sci & Technol, Deep Sea Multidisciplinary Res Ctr, Qingdao 266037, Peoples R China
7.Qingdao Natl Lab Marine Sci & Technol, Lab Marine Geol, Qingdao 266037, Peoples R China
8.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Miao, Xiaoming,Wei, Jiangong,Li, Jingrui,et al. Isotopically light Mo in sediments of methane seepage controlled by the benthic Fe-Mn redox shuttle process[J]. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE,2024,239:13.
APA Miao, Xiaoming.,Wei, Jiangong.,Li, Jingrui.,Liu, Xiting.,Wang, Dong.,...&Feng, Xiuli.(2024).Isotopically light Mo in sediments of methane seepage controlled by the benthic Fe-Mn redox shuttle process.GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE,239,13.
MLA Miao, Xiaoming,et al."Isotopically light Mo in sediments of methane seepage controlled by the benthic Fe-Mn redox shuttle process".GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 239(2024):13.
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