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Hou, Yong-Sheng1,2; Li, Hong-Yan1; Wang, Yu1; Zhang, Yan-Fei3; Li, Yuan1; Xu, Yi-Gang1,2,4
Experimental Insights Into the Petrogenesis of Plume-Related Magmas: Tholeiite-Harzburgite Interaction at 2-3 GPa and 1,400-1,500°C
WOS Research AreaGeochemistry & Geophysics
AbstractHow eclogite/pyroxenite-derived melts evolve through the refractory lithosphere above a plume remains poorly understood. Here we conducted layered experiments of reaction between tholeiitic melts and harzburgite at 2-3 GPa, 1,400-1,500 degrees C, with a run duration ranging from 2 to 24 hr. The resulting residual melts exhibit lower SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, CaO, and total alkali contents, higher Ni, MgO, and Mg#, and almost constant CaO/Al2O3 compared to the initial tholeiitic melts. The compositions of the residual melts are influenced by factors such as the melt/harzburgite mass ratio, temperature, and run duration. Decreasing the melt/rock ratio or increasing temperature and run duration leads to a greater extent of assimilation. Under disequilibrated conditions (2 hr), the residual melts have higher SiO2, FeO, and MgO, and lower CaO, Al2O3, and total alkali contents compared to those under equilibrated conditions. The results suggest that interface reactions involving olivine dissolution and orthopyroxene precipitation, and chemical diffusion occur simultaneously during the interaction process. The compositions of the residual melts are largely controlled by interface reactions within 2 hr, followed by dominant chemical diffusion between the melts and refertilized harzburgite from 2 to 24 hr. Based on the experimental results, we propose a two-stage model for the origin of Hawaiian shield stage parental magmas. Eclogite/pyroxenite-derived tholeiitic melts first react with harzburgite, with varying melt/rock ratios, to produce residual melts in the deep lithosphere. These residual melts subsequently mix with plume peridotite-derived melts at shallow depths, contributing to the geochemical diversity observed in Hawaiian shield stage lavas. We conducted experiments to understand how melts derived from subducted oceanic crust interact with surrounding rocks during their journey through the Earth's lithosphere. By simulating melt-rock reaction along wall-rock boundary under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions, we found that the interaction mechanism involves olivine dissolution and orthopyroxene precipitation. The extent of interaction between the melts and rocks depends on factors such as the amount of melt present and the duration of the interaction. We also observed that certain chemical reactions took place at the interface between the melts and rocks, which affect the composition of the resulting melts. Our findings suggest that the formation of magmas with specific chemical compositions, similar to those observed in Hawaiian shield stage lavas, can be elucidated by the reaction between tholeiitic melts derived from eclogite/pyroxenite and harzburgite. The harzburgite was generated through prior high-degree melting of peridotite influenced by the high temperatures in the plume setting. We propose a two-stage model involving initial reactions in the deep lithosphere followed by mixing of the melts in shallower depths. This model provides insights into the processes that contribute to the diversity of magmas observed in Hawaiian volcanic islands. Eclogite melts reacting with harzburgite produce high SiO2, MgO, and Ni tholeiitic melts Residual melt composition is influenced by melt size and reaction time, involving interface reactions and diffusion Eclogite melt interaction with harzburgite, followed by mixing with peridotite melts, accounts for Hawaiian shield stage lava generation
Keywordtholeiite-harzburgite reaction olivine dissolution orthopyroxene precipitation disequilibrated diffusion plume-related magma
WOS IDWOS:001270766600001
Indexed BySCI
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Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLi, Hong-Yan
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
2.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Earth & Planetary Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China
3.China Univ Geosci, State Key Lab Geol Proc & Mineral Resources, Wuhan, Peoples R China
4.Southern Marine Sci & Engn Guangdong Lab Guangzhou, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Hou, Yong-Sheng,Li, Hong-Yan,Wang, Yu,et al. Experimental Insights Into the Petrogenesis of Plume-Related Magmas: Tholeiite-Harzburgite Interaction at 2-3 GPa and 1,400-1,500°C[J]. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH,2024,129(7):20.
APA Hou, Yong-Sheng,Li, Hong-Yan,Wang, Yu,Zhang, Yan-Fei,Li, Yuan,&Xu, Yi-Gang.(2024).Experimental Insights Into the Petrogenesis of Plume-Related Magmas: Tholeiite-Harzburgite Interaction at 2-3 GPa and 1,400-1,500°C.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH,129(7),20.
MLA Hou, Yong-Sheng,et al."Experimental Insights Into the Petrogenesis of Plume-Related Magmas: Tholeiite-Harzburgite Interaction at 2-3 GPa and 1,400-1,500°C".JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 129.7(2024):20.
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