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Wang, Xiang1; Wang, Zaicong1; Zhang, Wen1; Ma, Liang2; Chen, Weijun3; Cai, Ya-Chun4,5; Foley, Stephen6; Wang, Christina Yan7; Li, Jianwei8; Deng, Jun9; Feng, Yantong1; Zong, Keqing1; Hu, Zhaochu1; Liu, Yongsheng1
Sulfur isotopes of lamprophyres and implications for the control of metasomatized lithospheric mantle on the giant Jiaodong gold deposits, eastern China
WOS Research AreaGeology
AbstractThe giant Jiaodong gold deposits represent one of the largest gold provinces (>5000 tons of Au) in the North China Craton of eastern China. They formed similar to 1.7 b.y. after high-grade metamorphism of the crust. The metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) has been increasingly proposed as the main source of such gold mineralization, but the direct geochemical links remain scarce. Here, we present a comprehensive delta S-34 dataset of sulfides from fresh lamprophyres (130-121 Ma) that formed from the metasomatized SCLM that is spatially and temporally associated with the Jiaodong gold deposits (ca. 120 Ma). Due to the negligible effects of crustal contamination and magmatic degassing, the consistently high delta S-34 (4 parts per thousand-6 parts per thousand, n = 73) of lamprophyres from variable localities reveals delta S-34-enriched mantle sources relative to the asthenospheric mantle (-1.3 parts per thousand +/- 0.3 parts per thousand). Combined with the radiogenic Sr-Nd-Pb isotope signatures of these lamprophyres, we determined that such high delta S-34 signatures could have resulted from a period of mantle metasomatism related to subducted continental materials. The lamprophyres share delta S-34 (4.4 parts per thousand +/- 0.8 parts per thousand) and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes with coeval gold-mineralized diorites (ca. 120 Ma) beneath the ore field (delta S-34: 5.4 parts per thousand +/- 2.5 parts per thousand), which were interpreted to have sampled the magma chamber underlying the auriferous fluid systems. The lamprophyres and diorites consistently indicate the key control of metasomatized SCLM, although these mantle-derived magmas followed different pathways from source to crust. These relatively primitive and evolved magmas all show S and Pb isotopes similar to ore-related sulfides from the Jiaodong gold deposits, particularly those formed in the deep parts and at the early stage of the Jiaodong auriferous fluid system (delta S-34: 5 parts per thousand-7 parts per thousand). Such results suggest that the primary auriferous fluids are genetically linked to the magmas derived from the metasomatized SCLM. Combined with radiogenic isotopes, our study on the sulfur isotopes of mantle-derived magmas identifies the metasomatized mantle source of the gold and provides new evidence for establishing a geochemical link between metasomatized SCLM, derivative magmas, and the giant gold deposits, supporting the model that subduction-related metasomatism plays a key role in the enrichment of volatiles and gold in the SCLM for large-scale gold mineralization.
WOS IDWOS:001271861600001
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Cited Times:2[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorWang, Zaicong
Affiliation1.China Univ Geosci, Sch Earth Sci, State Key Lab Geol Proc & Mineral Resources, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Isotope Geochem, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.China Met Geol Bur CMGB, Inst Mineral Resources Res, Beijing 101300, Peoples R China
4.Deep Sea Multidisciplinary Res Ctr, Qingdao 266237, Peoples R China
5.Pilot Natl Lab Marine Sci & Technol Qingdao, Lab Marine Geol, Qingdao 266237, Peoples R China
6.Macquarie Univ, Sch Nat Sci, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
7.Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Mineral & Met, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
8.China Univ Geosci, Sch Earth Resources, State Key Lab Geol Proc & Mineral Resources, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China
9.China Univ Geosci, State Key Lab Geol Proc & Mineral Resources, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Wang, Xiang,Wang, Zaicong,Zhang, Wen,et al. Sulfur isotopes of lamprophyres and implications for the control of metasomatized lithospheric mantle on the giant Jiaodong gold deposits, eastern China[J]. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN,2024,136(7-8):3405-3418.
APA Wang, Xiang.,Wang, Zaicong.,Zhang, Wen.,Ma, Liang.,Chen, Weijun.,...&Liu, Yongsheng.(2024).Sulfur isotopes of lamprophyres and implications for the control of metasomatized lithospheric mantle on the giant Jiaodong gold deposits, eastern China.GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN,136(7-8),3405-3418.
MLA Wang, Xiang,et al."Sulfur isotopes of lamprophyres and implications for the control of metasomatized lithospheric mantle on the giant Jiaodong gold deposits, eastern China".GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN 136.7-8(2024):3405-3418.
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