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Li, Gang1; Xiao, Xianming1; Gai, Haifeng2; Feng, Yue1; Lu, Chengang1; Meng, Guangming1
Nanopore Structure Evolution of Lower Cambrian Shale in the Western Hubei Area, Southern China, and its Geological Implications based on Thermal Simulation Experimental Results
WOS Research AreaGeology
AbstractThe nanopore structure and evolution of shale reservoirs have been a research hotspot because they have important impacts on the storage of shale gas. In this paper, thermal simulation experiments were carried out on a Lower Cambrian shale with high maturity taken from the western Hubei area, southern China, to obtain a suite of sub-samples with different maturities. The results show that within the EqRo (equivalent vitrinite reflectance) range of 2.96-4.36%, the specific surface areas of OM (organic matter) and IM (inorganic matter) nanopores in the shale increased at first and then decreased, reaching maximum at 3.64% EqRo. As EqRo > 3.64%, the pore volume of OM decreased significantly, while the pore volume of IM showed an increase. The specific surface area and volume of OM pore increased first and then decreased with increase in CH4 yield, indicating that the thermal evolution and methanogenesis of OM were not always conducive to the development of pore structure, and the late graphitization (EqRo > 3.64%) may be the main mechanism for the destruction of the OM pore structure. The continuous increase of IM pore volume was attributed mainly to the decomposition of minerals such as illite and calcite, which formed pore spaces. The effective maturity range of the Lower Cambrian shale gas in the western Hubei area can reach to EqRo of 3.64%, which is an important guide to the exploration and development of shale gas in this area.
KeywordLower Cambrian shale Thermal simulation experiment Organic matter Inorganic matter Nanopore Over-mature stage
WOS IDWOS:000902269500001
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:8[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorXiao, Xianming
Affiliation1.China Univ Geosci, Sch Energy Resources, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Organ Geochem, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li, Gang,Xiao, Xianming,Gai, Haifeng,et al. Nanopore Structure Evolution of Lower Cambrian Shale in the Western Hubei Area, Southern China, and its Geological Implications based on Thermal Simulation Experimental Results[J]. NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH,2022:24.
APA Li, Gang,Xiao, Xianming,Gai, Haifeng,Feng, Yue,Lu, Chengang,&Meng, Guangming.(2022).Nanopore Structure Evolution of Lower Cambrian Shale in the Western Hubei Area, Southern China, and its Geological Implications based on Thermal Simulation Experimental Results.NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH,24.
MLA Li, Gang,et al."Nanopore Structure Evolution of Lower Cambrian Shale in the Western Hubei Area, Southern China, and its Geological Implications based on Thermal Simulation Experimental Results".NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH (2022):24.
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